You know how you have bad hair days sometimes? Me, sometimes I have “bad drawing days” ~ I can’t draw a bloody thing x nothing I draw looks right x everything I draw looks like a bad tattoo or one of those “delusional artist” pieces. What do you do when you’re in a slump? I’m writing about this now because well, I’m kind of in the middle of one, so I guess I couldn’t help noticing a couple of other artists I know who’ve been in a slump recently, too. So in this post I thought I’d go into what a slump is, exactly, for artists ~ what happens during a slump, what causes it to happen, and more importantly, what to do if and when you’re in one. What does being in a slump mean when you’re an artist?Sometimes it’s not just the bad-drawing days I described at the beginning ~ those aren’t so bad because at least you’re making something, even if it doesn’t seem very good to you. In one of my favourite forever books, the master potter told his would-be apprentice that making stuff isn’t like water you draw from a vessel until it’s empty. The more you make stuff, the more skill you have ~ or something like that. A ‘real’ slump is really not being able to make anything at all ~ like you can bring a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, type-thing. And not because you’re burnt out, either ~ or because you’re ‘just not in the mood’. It’s not quite like that at all. One of the couple of artists I mentioned told me he was having ‘artist’s block’. (You know, like writer’s block?) The other one said she’d been in a slump since March. That’s about the time I last completed a project (which I’m not allowed by contract to talk about). After that I made a few drawings, none of which I was crazy about ~ and then I’d had a few bad-drawing days in a row, so… I guess one way I could describe it is like how the hero of this other forever favourite book of mine says how he loves the sea as one loves a mistress, and pines if he doesn’t often see her. So it's like going to the seashore ~ but not getting into the boat even if the boat is like right there. Why do slumps happen?So the first artist I mentioned with the block, I knew he’d been going through a lot, like he’d been having a lot of things interfering with his practice and that he had a growing backlog of pieces he had to complete. Icing on the cake? He’d suffered not one but two deaths in the family (one of whom was a parent). Seems to me that killer combo would put anybody into a slump. Art requires focus. And while I don’t want to sound like I’m making excuses or anything (what with my whole discipline-slash-you’re-going-to-work-whether-you’re-'inspired'-or-not-thing), it’s pretty darn hard to concentrate when you’ve got something weighing on your mind. Even if art is meant to be the *only* thing on your mind *all the time*. Sometimes, you’re really just in a slump. It happens x it’s normal. True, a lot of the time (if not all the time), you just can’t afford slumps ~ especially when there’s a deadline (ingress day, let’s say). But there are times when ~ deadline be danged ~ a bad drawing day is a bad drawing day and the best thing you can do is to take a break for a while. (The shortest possible if time is in short supply.) There’s been research done on the reasons behind ‘performance slumps’ ~ off-hand I seem to see the term most often applied to athletes (and curiously, salespeople). ScienceDirect says they happen because of physical deficiencies (like you get sick) or ‘psychological factors, including deficiencies in confidence and having unrealistic expectations of one’s capabilities’. Other reasons for slumps according to ScienceDirect include • Behavioural problems like not sticking to your schedule • Technical difficulties like not having all your stuff (can’t paint if you haven’t got paint, after all) • Environmental influences like stress and not having a supportive, well, environment This article on PubMed Central focuses on how poorly managed stress causes high-performing athletes to slide into a slump. Then again, when you think about it, that goes for pretty much anybody ~ artists included. What do you do when you’re in a slump? |
December 2024